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Letter from Bishop Bonnar to Holy Spirit Parishioner about Change in Pastoral Leadership

Please read the letter from Bishop Bonnar for details of the change in pastoral leadership.

Welcome Father Matthew Zwilling to Holy Spirit Catholic Church!

Mass Schedule

Saturday 5:00PM

Sunday: 9:30AM

Daily Mass Schedule
Monday: No Mass
Tuesday: 9:00AM
Wednesday: No Mass
Thursday: 9:00AM
Friday: No Mass
Holy Days 9:30AM & 7:00PM

Daily Readings

Daily Readings
from U.S. Conference of Bishops

Mission Statement

Holy Spirit Parish
is called to be family
finding its center
in Christ and His Body
the parish - and in turn,
reflecting that
Love of Christ
to the community
and beyond.


We invite you to journey with us as we follow the promptings of God's Spirit to discover, celebrate and share the Mystery of God's love revealed to us through Christ. Explore this site to discover some of the opportunities available for you to grow in faith and the love of Christ. On behalf of the Holy Spirit faith community, we welcome you and hope that you will come and join us in one of our weekend liturgies.

Ways to Give

Ways to contribute to the parish can be found on the Ways of Giving page.
We thank you for your generosity and support. With the options listed, 100% of your gift goes directly to the parish.

Prayers for those who have died

Please pray for our deceased and the families who mourn their loss:

May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

News, Events & Meetings


There is an urgent need for 8-9 new adult catechists and subs to help with PSR on Sunday mornings from 10:35-11:50am. Adults are needed for the following classrooms: K/1st, 3rd/4th, grade 7, grade 8 & youth ministry. Ideally, there will be two catechists in each grade so that catechists can alternate teaching each week and fill in for one another if either should have scheduling conflicts. Training is available and veteran catechist will help guide you along. All supplies and materials are provided with step by step teacher guides. Curriculum is liturgical based and follows the Diocese of Youngstown objectives for catechesis. Are you willing to share the love of Christ with the children of our parish? Please prayerfully consider if God is calling you to this important ministry and contact Cathy at the parish office to further discuss this opportunity.

Little Flower Matthew 8:20 food and clothing ministry is requesting new or slightly used, clean bath towels. They can be dropped off in the slot at the back of the parish hall—Little Flower Parish Pavilion, 2040 Diamond Street NE, Canton.

Holy Spirit Parish will once again be collecting all the items you want to donate to benefit those in Kentucky and other Appalachian states through Christian Appalachian Project, Operation Sharing. The past two years we have filled a trailer nose-to-gate. Let’s do it again.
Needed items: furniture (lamps, chairs, couch, love seat, end tables, night-stands, dressers), dining room/kitchen tables and chairs, working appliances (large and small), clean bedding, ?ooring, clothing (winter, spring, summer or fall).
Please clean it - before you bring it. Items should be packed in boxes and clothing in bags. We will not have boxes to pack things in. Everything will go from your vehicle straight onto the trailer.
If it doesn’t work, please don’t bring it.
Please no: Electronics, Pillows, Mattresses, lawn equipment,paint or anything flammable.

WHEN: Friday August 30th, Saturday August 31st and Monday September 2nd
TIME: 9AM – 3PM Friday and Monday. 9AM – 2PM Saturday
Questions, contact Mark Violand 330-807-2255 or email mvioland2@neo.rr.com

Do you enjoy reading and then discussing what you have read? Our next book will be Laudato Si: On Care of Our Common Home by Pope Francis and will start in September. Through Pope Francis’ words, we may see how collecting the plastic bags to make a bench is an action that fits in with our call to care for our common home. The group meets once a month. If you are interested in joining, please contact Anne Weeks for more information and to get a book.

The Knights of Columbus are patriotic citizens who are proud of our devotion to God and country and believe in standing up for both. Whether it’s in public or private, the Knights remind the world that Catholics support their nations and are amongst the greatest citizens. Want to learn more and be a part of that? For more information visit: http://www.kofc.org/joinus or contact Grand Knight Steve Valentine scvalentine77@yahoo.com Ph. 330-806-4765 for more details

Planning is underway for our fall Work Day. Please come to the meeting on Tuesday, August 27th at 6:30 pm to be a part of the planning. All are welcome.

Holy Spirit PSR & Youth Group Activities

PSR registration forms have been mailed. The classes start September 8th. Contact the parish office if you have not received the forms.

Save the Date

Mercy Hospice’s Grief Support Services offers an 8-week grief support group for adults who wish to connect with others who are experiencing the loss of a loved one. The support group is free & open to the community. Participants can expect a caring and confidential environment to learn healthy and effective coping skills while meeting others on their journey toward healing and wholeness. The sessions will be held at Holy Spirit Parish meeting room for eight weeks on each Tuesday beginning July 9th - August 27th, from 6:00- 7:30PM. For more information, call Mark Violand 330-807-2255 or to register: Call 234-203-3223

Learn a little, laugh a little, and enjoy the art of quilting as we piece together a big block flannel quilt. We will be meeting on Wednesdays August 14, 21, and 28th from 6-8:00 pm. Contact Cassie after mass or at 330-265-3817 for information on available quilt kits and signing up for classes.

This year’s Annual Benefit Dinner will be at the Hartville Kitchen on Tuesday, September 10th with doors opening at 5:00 pm and the meal beginning at 6:00 pm. A program will follow at 7:00 pm with entertainment provided by The Cleveland Keys Dueling Pianos. From the latest hits to old time classics, Cleveland Keys perform it all! We will be selling tickets for this year’s banquet after masses this weekend and in the parish office until August 28th. Tickets are $30 each with checks made payable to Lake Township FISH. Tickets can also be purchased online at www.laketownshipfish.org/banquet

The Hartville Migrant Center is planning a fundraising event on Saturday, October 12th from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. They will be having a pancake breakfast from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in our social hall. Due to a tremendous increase in patient visits, additional funding is needed so they can continue to provide free medical services to the immigrants and migrants in the Greater Stark County area. They are currently seeing twice the amount of patients that they have seen in past years. They are currently tracking to have a total of 500 patient visits this year. What a wonderful thing, especially considering they lost 73% of their patients when one of the farmers decided not to bring back migrants this year. They are currently in the planning for the event and are in need of volunteers to plan and work the event. They would like to get a core team together to make this as success event as possible so that they can continue to provide free medical services to those in need. Should you have any interest in planning, volunteering, or donating to this event, please call or text Terry Smith at 330-354-6419 or email him at micmat6767@yahoo.com. A local business has agreed to buy all the supplies needed; therefore, 100% of the proceeds will go to the Hartville Migrant Center. The next planning meeting will be on August 19th at 6:00 p.m. if you are interested in helping to plan this event. Thank you!!!!

New To Our Parish

We welcome you to Holy Spirit. To register, you may stop at our parish office, see Fr. John after Mass, or call the office at 330-699-4500. View our Holy Spirit Welcome Form

How Can We Serve You

Please let us know what your needs are and how we can assist you on your faith journey. We are here to grow in faith beside you. May Christ’s blessings be with you. Contact us at 330-699-4500 or parishoffice@holyspiritunoh.org or go to our Holy Spirit Welcome Form