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Holy Week/Easter Mass Guidelines

(based upon Diocesan directives and guidelines)

We welcome you this Easter Season. The Bishop continues to dispense Catholics from their obligation to attend mass. However as more and more social aspects of life approach normalcy along with an increase in people being vaccinated, those who are able should consider returning to worship.

According to Diocesan policy and due to the State mandate, parishioners are required to wear a mask when coming for mass. If you do not have a mask or forget your mask there are some available on the table in the narthex, and at the entrances.
If you are unable to wear a mask, e.g. for a medical condition, please sit in a chair by the window, another chair away from people or in the Eucharistic Chapel (leaving the door open for you to hear).
Thank you for your consideration and cooperation.

Mass in Social Hall
Due to social distancing, there may be times when we need additional space for those who come for mass. We are offering the opportunity for people to sit in the social hall during mass where they will be able to hear the readings, the homily and the music. On your way into mass, we encourage you to pick up a worship aid on the table in the social hall so you can fully participate. An usher will guide you as to whether Eucharist will be brought to the Social Hall or whether you will need to go to the Church.

Sunday Offering
You have been so generous in supporting the parish during these months and we thank you. Many wish to make a special donation at Easter, which is a great support to the parish. You can make your Easter contribution this year by placing it in the mail, dropping it in the collection basket, or using the bill pay or EFT option. As a reminder, the practice of passing baskets throughout the assembly is temporarily suspended. Please put your offering in the basket on the table in the Narthex at the beginning of Mass.

Receiving Communion
It is strongly recommended that you take Communion in the hand for safety and health concerns.

At the end of mass, respectfully please do not congregate in the Narthex. We encourage you to find ways to renew your friendships in person while maintaining social distancing.
Please contact Fr. John at the parish if you have any questions