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Reflection from Anne for the Month of Mary and Mother's Day

Restless. boredom. Words I have heard quite a few people utter during these weeks of our stay at home time. I am feeling it, too.

Restless to not be at home anymore and restless to gather with you for Eucharist. To receive the bread of life. "I am the bread of life.” Words we have been reading in the scriptures over the past few weeks. Someone of you have expressed this same restlessness to me. You long to get back to church - to celebrate Eucharist. Are even anxious, perhaps, on many levels. 

But there is also an ache within me, another restlessness – to see, in person, family and friends from whom I have been separated during this pandemic. I long to see my daughter who lives in another country and is also on lock down. I can only speculate when I can see her next, August, Christmas? My heart pounds receiving her card to be opened on Sunday, Mother’s Day.

I know I am not alone in feeling this ache, this restlessness. It will be keenly present for so many. Adult children protecting their parents from this menace by social distancing; travel restrictions keeping us apart. Nursing homes banning visits. Grandparents who have not seen their grandchildren for so many weeks now.

May is the month of Mary. What did Mary experience when Jesus was gone? Mary appears very few times in the New Testament so we mostly guess. She was a mother, the mother of Our Lord, whose “yes” we know changed our lives and that of humanity. The gospel of John tells us she was at the foot of cross, possibly expressing a mother’s anguish that her son was no longer with them. I imagine while being in the upper room at Pentecost that she ached for his presence. She, like us, probably had many restless days.

St. Augustine says, "our hearts are restless until they rest in you Lord." Mary’s yes enables us to find rest in the Lord. Masses are still on suspension; we are to still stay at home. Until we can hopefully come together on Holy Spirit's feast day, Pentecost, rest in the Lord. Sit in the quiet of the different pace, embrace your restlessness. This is a unique time to connect with the deep recesses of your heart where Jesus resides.

And to see the world anew…through restlessness.