Have you ever wondered why Catholics do
what they do or believe what they believe? Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic faith? Are you
exploring deepening your relationship with Christ? We can help you enter into a conversation with your questions
and explore the process of becoming Catholic and what that all means. Whenever you are ready to discuss these
questions with someone or already know you have an interest in becoming Catholic, contact Fr. John or Deacon Russ.
If you know of someone who is interested, contact Fr. John or Deacon Russ so they can reach out to them.
Please let us know what your needs are and how we can assist you on your faith journey.
We are here to grow in faith beside you. May Christ’s blessings be with you.
Contact us at
330-699-4500 or
holyspiritunoh.org or go to our online
Holy Spirit Welcome Form
Our Parish welcomes new
members into the Catholic Church through a process of education,
faith sharing, and liturgies known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
Click here to learn more about that process.