The Eucharist is the source and summit of our lives as Christian disciples.
Jesus said:
“I am the living bread that came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will
live forever;… He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and… Abides in me, and I
in him”
John 6: 51, 54, 56
First Communion
Family-centered preparation for First Reconciliation typically begins near the beginning of the 2nd grade PSR year.
Preparation includes rituals at Mass, intergenerational sessions, parent sessions, serving the parish community,
and student learning in the PSR classroom. First Communion is generally held in May.
Parents wishing for their child to receive First Communion can contact the Director or Coordinator of Religious Education.
First Communion Calendar Online
Liturgical Ministry Roles For First Communicants
During the year first communicants, along with a parent, will be scheduled to usher once and to serve
as a greeter once. We all have gifts to bring God's love to one another and serving our community in this
way is one example. Below is the explanation of how to share your gifts in these ministries.
Greeter Duties
The Greeters should be at the church about 20 mins before Mass begins. Report to the Sacristy to get and
put on the Name Tags that ID them as Greeters and then go to the Main Doors of the church and greet everyone
who comes in. Smile, say Good Morning or Good Evening, ask them how they are, may even comment on their
colorful scarf, blouse, shirt, or some compliment. Welcome them as you would into your own home.
You may not be aware of it, but some people, especially the elderly may only see people on Sunday
at church. You may be the first and only person they talk with that day.
The ministry of Greeter is to make church welcoming and friendly to all who come,
registered and non-registered parishioners, visitors, guests, etc.
Also, be dressed for the occasion, nice dress, pants, blouse, shirt, etc. Not necessary to wear formal
or suits or ties.
Basic Usher Duties
The people who are scheduled for Ushers should be at Mass at least 15-20 mins before Mass starts
to help greet people, see if anything special (like a second collection) is scheduled and to find
someone to take up the gifts after the first collection. Also, report in to the Sacristan so they
know you are there. Otherwise they will recruit ushers.
1) Check the Usher table in the Narthex for any special instructions.
2) Ask a family or group to present the gifts after the collection and ask them to be in the back
of the church after the collection.
3) When there is a second collection, take up the first collection, have the selected family or
group present the gifts – collection, wine and hosts – then take up the second collection.
After the second collection, one or both of the ushers take the basket up and place it in front of the alter.
4) The collection is taken up after the Intercessory Prayers (Petitions).To take up the collection,
begin in the back with the baskets, each usher has two. Go down the main isle to the altar and bow.
Then go to the outside aisle and start the baskets. Check to see if Father has an envelope and go
to him to get it if he has one. The usher on the side where the Cry Room is has to use a basket
for the side pews and the Cry Room. Then they can use two in the main pews. Look at the way
the basket is being passed and try to have both going at the same time. You can do this by
starting a basket every four pews. After the baskets have been passed, go to the back and
there is a large basket that all of the collection is placed in and the large basket is what
is presented with the gifts.
5) After Mass, spend a few minutes to check the pews for any bulletins, paper, song books, etc
that need picked up and or put away.
6) When a Eucharistic Minister comes back to the Day Chapel to get the Ciborium for Communion,
one of the ushers should open the door to the day chapel for them.
7) An usher should take Father's cane up the outside aisle by the Cry Room and wait for
Father to process in, then take his walker and give him the cane. Put the walker in the back
of the church. After Mass, be up front again with the walker for Father and take his cane.
8) After Mass, go up to the altar and get the basket with the money bring it back to the
Sacristy and put it in the upper cabinet on the far left. Ask Father or the Deacon for the
key to the cabinet, either before or after Mass.
You will be paired with a regularly scheduled usher.