To contribute using your own bank's bill pay option on their website, add
"Holy Spirit Catholic Church"
a payee for your bills, entering our address and phone number
2952 Edison St. NW Uniontown Ohio 44685 (330-699-4500)
and make your contributions online at any time. The bank sends
the church a check for the amount you indicate.
Use your envelope number as your account number. Use the memo line to indicate whether it is a regular Sunday contribution,
Holy Day, or second collection.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is an option for making your regular Sunday, Christmas, and Easter Offerings. This option allows St. Joseph's Credit Union to deduct a set weekly amount on Fridays OR a set monthly amount on the 1st or 15th of the month from your checking or savings account. To set up EFT, simply fill out, sign, and turn in an Authorization Form to the parish office. To make any changes to your deductions, simply fill out and sign another Authorization Form and submit it to the parish office. Three business days are needed for it to be processed. Authorization Forms are also available on the wood table by the main door and at our parish office.
Click here for more information on EFT
Mail your contribution in the form of a personal check to our parish office at:
Holy Spirit Church
2952 Edison St. NW
Uniontown Ohio 44685
Drop your envelope with a personal check or cash enclosed in the collection basket at Mass.