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Reflection - Epiphany

We have heard this story of the Magi so often that it is easy to lose sight of what really happened. They were on a journey; they were unsure where they were going; they didn’t even know for sure what they were looking to discover. And then it happened! They encountered Jesus; their hearts throbbed and they were overjoyed. They had what we call an Epiphany moment.

As we grow through life we also have those Epiphany moments – those moments of awareness and surprise; those moments when we are smacked upside the head; those wake up calls; those A-HA moments when we see the light! And if we are not careful, we can miss those moments.

What have been your Epiphany moments, those times when your heart throbbed and overflowed? It could have been the times when you really became aware of key people and relationships in your life. The time when you realized that this is the person for you, the person who brings light to your life in a way that no one else could. When you realized that this is the person for you, that was an Epiphany, an A-HA moment.

Others of us have different Epiphany moments. Perhaps it was when God really stepped into your life, or when you became aware of what is really important in life. Perhaps it was when you realized that Mom and Dad were right, or that you had to change how you live, that you needed to get this person or this habit out of your life. Perhaps it was when you realized that you need to be a better parent, a better son or daughter.

Unfortunately, it is easy for us at times to miss those moments, to get so caught up in the challenges of everyday life that we lose sight of what is really important. We need to look at that special person in our life and say once again, “A-ha!” We need to quietly recall those moments when God so touched our life and to bring Him back to us.

Those of you who are young still have your Epiphany moments ahead of you. Be sure to keep your eyes and your ears and your hearts open so that God and special people you may not have even meet yet touch your lives in special ways.

Let’s go back to the Gospel story of today. If I asked you to project yourself into the story, who or what in the story would you identify with? Think about that for a minute. How many see yourself as one of the Magi? How many see yourself as someone along side the manger? How about Herod? Mary? How about Jesus? How many see yourself as the star? Yes, the star. In regard to our lives in faith, that is precisely who we are.

Come on now, haven’t you always wanted to be a star? God is inviting us to draw others to him, to be that light that helps illuminate the path for others in our little corner of the world. God wants us and asks us to share in his perfect attraction – to make him almost irresistible to others. And the real miracle is that all of us are gifted in this way, not just a few. All of us have the ability to be the light that draws others to the One who is light.

My friends, there are people in each of our worlds that are waiting to see the rising star, men and women waiting to experience a life of tremendous meaning and hope, waiting to encounter God in a whole new way, a deeper way, a more real way. Now’s our chance, an opportunity provided by our loving God, a chance to be a star – but not for our own glory but for God’s. Are we shining brightly enough? Do we live lives of kindness, mercy and generosity – lives that others will be attracted to? Do we radiate joy to those around us – a joy that comes from the deep comfort and hope we receive from our faith and from the love that we share?

So, let’s take a minute to remember those startling, loving, sometimes painful Epiphany moments in our life. Let’s open our hearts to embrace the Epiphany moments still to come. Let’s continue searching and discovering. And let’s be the star that never fades, the star that brings us, our loved ones, and those we meet to the loving embrace of God. A-HA!

If you have a brief faith reflection on today’s reading that you would like to share, please send it to me at deaconruss@holyspiritunoh.org.